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 © Lutz Knospe

Wenn türkis-blau die Antwort ist,

wie blöd war die Frage dann?


Live Music





Mehmet Ateşçi, Mareike Beykirch, Anastasia Gubareva, Vidina Popov,

Orit Nahmias, Lindy Larsson, Almut Zilcher, Lucia Leyser, Doris Schnabl, Isabella Sedlak, Lutz Knospe


Valentine Butt

Isabella Sedlak & Ensemble

Sandra Wolf

Catherine Scheicher

Thomas Mache

Maxim Gorki Theater | 2019 | Berlin

The Gorki canteen becomes a Viennese tavern and the Gösis invite you to their folk play à la Horváth meets Sargnagel. Marianne and Valerie want to celebrate their engagement - with themselves and with Austria. All sorts of guests of honor arrive there  – the Federal Chancellor himself has announced himself – to toast »marriage for all« with the magic king and to make the new homeland palatable to the engaged couple.

Austrian proverbs like "A feuchter Fetzn wird schnell wieder nass!" (Eng.: A damp cloth quickly gets wet again!) are examined for their political significance and made culinarily tangible. Shots and sparkling drinks are served and DJ Zirbe and Valentin Butt take care of the musical well-being.

© Lutz Knospe

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