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hideaway. Love and other radicalities

In the summer of 2023, the bauer+baum collective will dismantle the theater chairs at Werk X-Petersplatz - and build a glass bungalow. It will not be surrounded by lush, fragrant nature or the gently swaying treetops of a Mediterranean place of longing. It will be surrounded by the audience, who can look into the life of a four-person ensemble. Not a typical, but nevertheless a love story is what Isabella Sedlak and the ensemble develop in "hideaway. Love and other radicalities". A play about friendships and relationships outside of heteronormative worlds.



Premiere on June 11, 2023 | Werk X-Petersplatz (now: Theater am Werk) | Vienna

Giuseppina, a bourgeois Italian intellectual, built a bungalow in the 1950s as a refuge for herself and her secret lover Ernesta. In 2023, a group of friends vacation there. They are queer, single mothers, eternal singles and ex-lovers. They share dreams and worries about the future and politicize their private lives while cooking pasta live.

In flashbacks, Ernesta and Giuseppina also dance through the bungalow, debate about lesbian love and polyamory and call on a wide variety of fellow campaigners; bauer+baum ruthlessly exceed historical possibilities and thus ensure amusing encounters. From Erich Fromm to Richard Krafft-Ebing to Åžeyda Kurt, the imaginary conversation partners appear figuratively.

While the lesbian lovers in the 1950s become entangled in emancipatory discourses, it becomes increasingly difficult for the four friends in the present to ignore the fact that their nostalgic holiday idyll is located in neo-fascist Italy. The retreat into the "hideaway" only works marginally when the real political situation bursts into the theater space.


Not like René Pollesch's spoken word performances, but in a heated chamber play in which the four (...) argue about life dominated by capitalism and heteronormativity.


Private life is political - the text (written by Isabella Sedlak) shows this in all its harshness and verve.


Margarete Affenzeller

The Standard

A pleasurable evening of theatre without any long stretches, which actually feels a bit like a holiday – a holiday with people with whom discussing things over a glass of red wine is very stimulating, sometimes loud, but above all somehow nice.


Rather, »Hideaway« evokes summer feelings that are vaguely reminiscent of the mood in films by Luca Guadagnino or François Ozon's short film »Une Robe d'été«.


Oliver Maus

The Gap

It is a story of nostalgia for a long ago past, when we danced to records, allowed our skin to burn to a crisp in the name of a tan, and when feminism was just on the rise, with thought-provoking perspectives and groundbreaking staging .

This unconventional setup blurs the boundaries between the stage and the audience, immersing theatergoers in a truly up-close experience.

Katrin Svadlenak

Vienna Cultgram

A spectacular stage conversion will take place at the end of the season at Werk X on St. Peter's Square.

Sara Schausberger

Falter - The Weekly Newspaper



Nina Fog

Lisa Kärcher

Marie Noel

Moritz Sauer


with voices of

Valentina Ferrari

Michael Schusser


Direction + Text Isabella Sedlak

feat. quotes by Şeyda Kurt, Laurie Penny, Erich Fromm u.a.

Stage + Costume Sophie Baumgartner

Music + Sound Philipp Pettauer

Dramaturgy Moritz Sauer

Stage Construction Johannes Plos

Co-Direction Juliane Aixner


Photos Isabella Simon, Karin Svadlenak



A Production by bauer+baum and Werk X-Petersplatz


With friendly support of

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